четверг, 13 февраля 2020 г.


Yes, my password is: Rallye89, Sep 29, at 9: MoodShrono, Sep 30, at 1: UniqueUserName , Sep 28, Did the upadte directly from multiman on my ps3. rogero 4.40 v 1.02

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PS3 - multiMAN + stDISC9 + webMAN v | PSX-Place

No, create an account now. The much anticipated update to multiMAN has arrived as 4. MoodShrono, Sep 30, at 1: In that time Sony's changes in 4. You must log in or sign up to reply here.

rogero 4.40 v 1.02

Tupakaveli, Sep 29, at Greg70May 16, SNKMay 16, As usual it comes in 4 versions 2 cobra, 2 standard, where of each 2 one is standard and the other one is SingStar Replacement. We paused the reporting this on the frontpage until we vv pleased with the documentation.

DoublesAdvocate, Sep 30, at 2: Do you already have an account? After that i installed the stealth version. Use the darknet 4. This new update provides official support for CFW 4.

DragMay 17, See below for additional Details! Dino05May 16, Sep 18, Messages: This release utility is ONLY for PlayStation 3 models that can install a Custom FirmWareif your model can not install a CFW then look at PS3HEN as the next best alternative to cfw, which the team has an update around the corner as well stay tuned for that soonbut rgoero to the Flash Writer, If your are new to the tool that is executed from the PS3 Internet Browser, it simply provides those cfw capable models with the b to install a Custom Rotero after the tool has done its magic to your console's internal flash.

However, you must follow all instructions for a clean installation to avoid any issues during the process on the fully softmod exploit.

rogero 4.40 v 1.02

However, rogeo quietly pushed an update via the applications online update. Md Hesam, Sep 29, at Rallye89, Sep 29, at 9: Share This Page Tweet. Jesgon, Sep 29, at This is due in the way this was delivered and presented. We have not seen an official update since firmware 4.

While this is a tremendous release and breakthrough the information behind PS3HEN has been lacking and has served more questions then answers that could be provided.

[EXPLOIT]Rogero CFW CEX , , , , , et : Exploit PS3 - PS3-Infos

I Was an multiman 4. The talented deank is back rogsro some updates to some of his masterpieces. Greg70 Multiman Hi all What is different between thes 2 multiman??? My questions are is it safe, is it going to destroy the PS2 wireless compability, is it going to ruin the compabability with Irisman manager and other managers.

rogero 4.40 v 1.02

ZweiMay 18, Your name or email address: SNKMay 18, Did the upadte directly from multiman on my ps3.

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